Wednesday, 20 November 2019

Transforming Timbers

With enough skill, time or dogged determination you can build almost anything out of wood.

A shelf. A fence. A shed. A house. A skyscraper.

And given how readily it's available, quickly replenished, biodegradable, eco-friendly and non-toxic...why wouldn't you?

Our workshop is ready and waiting for new and exciting projects. We have made simple shelves and bench slats to replace damaged ones. We make gates everyday in whatever size and design you want. We make kits to build enormous chicken units to house thousands of chickens. We have now decided to branch out into garden furniture and have created a stunning picnic bench to seat 8 and stores to house your unsightly wheelie bins.

What could we make for you?
Give us a call or e-mail and see if we can help with your next project.
01363 866262 or